I really liked your personal tribute to the NZ Health system based on your recent experience.

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Hi Seeby,

Your blog hits close to home for me. I had a bout of pneumonia at the beginning of the year with 5 hospital admissions. The root cause was different to yours but the symptoms and recovery similar. One thing I would like to add to your excellent advice is to call 111 when you feel you are in trouble. St John are excellent and in my case gave me oxygen on the spot and got me into hospital the quickest way.

All the best for your ongoing recovery, mate.

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Plenty of evidence that the jabs spike protein is one of the problems- intermittent fasting is said to help the body repair.

We need a culture change in our health system as our doctors need curiosity and courage to question the patient care guidelines.

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Hey mate hope you get back to 100% soon - just a question, did you get a flu shot?

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Hey no I’ve never had a flu shot

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